As announced in UNESCO Web site, “This publication gives an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage earthen architecture sites as well as outlining the various activities undertaken during the first period of the WHEAP Programme. It reflects on the challenges facing earthen architecture sites in relation to issues such as sustainable development and also demonstrates the resilience of such sites. The articles represent the diversity of earthen architecture on the World Heritage List.
Thanks to the detailed case studies and concrete management and conservation examples, this publication will serve as a useful resource for the scientific community, experts and all site managers concerned.
The publication deals with an extensive subject matter covering themes such as:
- World Heritage Cities
- Archaeological Sites
- Cultural Landscapes
- Armed Conflict/Post-Conflict Situations
- Natural Disasters
- Contemporary Earthen Architecture
- Education, Promotion and Outreach “
The full document can be downloade on the UNESCO website.
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Administrator 1 (January 25, 2014). World Heritage Series n°36 Earthen Architecture in Today’s World. The UNESCO Chair. Retrieved September 13, 2024 from