The project 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage was just concluded, and can be visited at:
The project was coordinated by Escola Superior Gallaecia (esGALLAECIA), as project leader, University of Florence (UNIFI) and University Politecnica de València (UPV), as partners. It was developed in the framework of CREATIVE EUROPE Programme, with co-funding from the European Union (2016-2020).
3DPAST project received international support from: ICOMOS International, ICOMOS-CIAV, ICOMOS-ISCEAH, ICOMOS-CIPA, & UNESCO-Chair of Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development.
The main idea for the project was to research and value vernacular heritage in World Heritage sites. The key-aim was to enhance this outstanding heritage, through architectural and historical research in a digital and multimedia way, crossing it with a creative component, to reach new audiences.
El projeto europeu 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage, disponível em:
O projeto foi coordenado pela Escola Superior Gallaecia (esGALLAECIA), com a parceria da Universidade de Florença (UNIFI), e da Universidade Politecnica de València (UPV). 3DPAST foi co-financiado pela União Europeia (2016-2020), no âmbito de concurso ganho em candidatura ao programa CREATIVE EUROPE.
3DPAST recebeu apoio international do: ICOMOS International, ICOMOS-CIAV, ICOMOS-ISCEAH, ICOMOS-CIPA, & UNESCO-Chair of Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development.
A ideia principal do projeto foi investigar e valorizar o património vernáculo em sítios classificados Património Mundial. O objetivo principal foi destacar este património excecional, por meio da investigação arquitetónica e histórica e através de métodos digitais e de multimedia cruzando com a componente criativa, o que possibilitou chegar a novos públicos.
The project outputs were | Resultados do projeto :
3DPAST Book | livro: “From Vernacular to World Heritage” (a publication with 250 pages in English) for free download at | “From Vernacular to World Heritage” (publicação internacional com 250 páginas, em Inglês), em open-access em:
3DPAST Booklet | Manual: “Guidelines and strategies for maintenance of vernacular architecture in World Heritage sites” (100 pages in 5 languages), for free download at | “Guidelines and strategies for maintenance of vernacular architecture in World Heritage sites” (100 paginas, em 5 idiomas), em open-access em :
3DPAST Videos | Videos: Introducing the outputs of the project, at | Apresentação do projeto, da plataforma, da app do livro e do manual, por meio de vídeos, em:
3DPAST PLATFORM: You can also visit the project’s platform with deeper research on the selected World Heritage sites, crossed with 3D Models and virtual reality. Available at | A plataforma apresenta a investigação realizada sobre os 8 sítios Património Mundial, com modelos 3D e realidade virtual, em:
Digital Drawings | Desenhos Digitais: Digital art form the creative component of the project, at |Arte Digital que representa a componente creativa do projeto, em:
3DPAST International Conference HERITAGE 2020 | Conferência Internacional: Papers, proceedings and videos of the international conference, at | Artigos, atas e videos da conferência internacional HERITAGE 2020, em:
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AE&CC (April 29, 2021). Project 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage. The UNESCO Chair. Retrieved January 21, 2025 from