ECVET Earth building is a matrix of units of learning outcomes that are conceived for construction, renovation and decoration with unfired clay materials. For much more information please see Each unit relates to a set of tasks that together form an activity specific to earth construction sites. Each activity, thus each Unit, may be […]
Author: Murielle Serlet
Terra Education III
TERRA EDUCATION III will take place in Grenoble on JUNE 4TH & 5TH, 2018 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Chair « Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development ». This international seminar will allow, through presentations and debates, to make an inventory of the current dynamics in terms of higher […]
Terra Education III
TERRA EDUCATION III will take place in Grenoble on JUNE 4TH & 5TH, 2018 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Chair « Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development ». This international seminar will allow, through presentations and debates, to make an inventory of the current dynamics in terms of higher […]
We invite you to the SHERPA Methodology for sustainable housing project: From beta version to (public) dissemination networking event. HABITAT III SIDE EVENT, Wednesday 19 October from 04:30pm till 06:30pm Venue: R10, Quito, Ecuador More information on AE&CC’s website.
The UNESCO Chair Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible displayed 3 new videos on Youtube: – “La conservación de las fortificaciones de tapia en Shark Al-Andalus” impartida por Alba Soler Estrela el 11 de abril de 2014 – “Ciudades de tierra. El oasis de Mdagra en el sur de Marruecos” impartida por Teresa […]
Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible os enviamos la información relativa a la próxima conferencia del ciclo de este curso 2015-2016 La conferencia tendrá lugar el viernes 04 de diciembre a las 13h en la Sala de Proyecciones de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universitat […]
Deux nouveaux documents vous sont proposés en téléchargement sur le site de CRAterre: – Orientaciones para la conservacion de inmuebles patrimoniales de tierra en Cuenca – Movilización de mujeres y jóvenes en la transmisión de las técnicas tradicionales para la preservación de la arquitectura de tierra Le centre historique de la ville de Cuenca, dans […]
To celebrate the growth of EBUKI and incorporation of Ireland we will be hosting an inaugural conference in Sligo, Ireland. This conference, organised in association with IT Sligo, will include talks as well as demonstrations that will be accessible to all that are either currently working with earth or those that are thinking of starting […]
Fair trade meets regionalism. The project, 3 sculptures that serve as meeting rooms for the workers, is a commitment to support craftsmanship locally as well as in Bangladesh and in India. The aim is to create an atmospheric space of high quality for the employees of Omicron, and at the same time to make a […]
Les inscriptions à TERRA2016 (XIIe Congrès mondial sur les Architectures de terre, 11 – 14 Juillet 2016, Centre de Congrès / Lyon / France) sont désormais ouvertes. Toutes les informations sur la procédure sont disponibles à : N’hésitez pas à nous contacter à si vous rencontrez des difficultés particulières. —————– Inscriptions for TERRA2016 […]
Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible os enviamos la información relativa a la primera conferencia del ciclo de este curso 2015-2016. La conferencia tendrá lugar el viernes 02 de octubre a las 13h en la Sala de Proyecciones de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universitat […]
Submission to Terra Award till Thursday, November 26, 2015 You have built on one of the 5 continents one or more earthen constructions in adobe, cob, CEB or rammed earth. We would be delighted to include them in our prize list! What can you win? – visibility for your earthen buildings on our international database; […]
The research project SOStierra “Restoration and rehabilitation of the traditional earthen architecture in the iberic peninsula” is concentrating on the possibilities of sustainable restoration and rehabilitation remaining respectful of the traditional earthen architecture. For more information:
The UNESCO Chair annual report of activities 2014 « Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development » is a collective report that has been elaborated with contributions of several institutions, members of the UNITWIN network. This report gives a global vision of the activities of the Chair and its network and shows an overall increase of the […]
The Malian cultural heritage has been suffering unprecedentedly during the crisis. For UNESCO, the government of Mali and its partners, the essential role that the cultural heritage is playing in the peace process and the social cohesion is evident. The rehabilitation of the damaged cultural heritage is not only about the material reconstruction, but also […]