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Europe Events Workshops

[CALL FOR APPLICATION] Autum Workshop Earth Building Material: training Iranian young professionals

Autum Workshop:  Earth Building Material, in France – Grenoble, 14 – 25 October 2024 Application for a scholarship for young Iranian professionals available until 1st September 2024 Earthen architecture is an important part of Iran’s architectural heritage. There are many earthen sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are also many contemporary earthen buildings. […]

Europe Members


Presentation of the institution BASEhabitat is a studio at the University of Arts Linz, department of architecture. Founded in 2004, it is concerned with sustainable architecture and the built environment, following ecologically compatible and socially just principles. A particular focus is on local, natural and affordable building materials, the participation of users and of those […]

America Members

Laboratorio de Arquitecturas Andinas y Construcción con Tierra, Argentina

Presentation of the institution The Laboratorio de Arquitecturas Andinas y Construcción con Tierra [Andean Architectures and Earthen Building Laboratory] is an academic space for research, training and technological engagement that forms part of the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Naturaleza y la Sociedad “Rodolfo Kusch”, of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina. From the conformation […]

Africa Publications Vernacular heritage

[ONLINE BOOK] Burkina Faso. Architecture, Culture and Cooperation

This book aims to pay homage to the people, culture and traditional architecture of Burkina Faso, a country with an extraordinary wealth of construction cultures. Through cross-referencing and analysis this book provides an overview of the architectures of the Birifor, Bobo, Dogon, Gan, Kassena, Ko, Lela, Lobi, Mossi, Nuna, Peul, Puguli, Senufo and Tuareg, offering […]

Europe Events Seminars & conferences Workshops


DICAAR – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – Università degli Studi di Cagliari with the UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development”, in collaboration with Luca Noli Association and Associazione Internazionale Città della Terra Cruda; supported by the Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti – Comitato Nazionale Italiano and […]

America Members

Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de la Republica (FADU-UDELAR), Uruguay

Presentation of the institution En Uruguay, la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU) se incorporó como miembro de la Catedra UNESCO en 1998. Las acciones principales se dieron con actividades de investigación y de extensión universitaria en la ciudad de Salto. En 2021 se conforma en Montevideo el equipo de Tecnología de Tierra dependiente […]


[MEETING] International Meeting for Construction with Earth and Natural Materials (Tlaquepaque Jalisco, México)

[EN] Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, which we are a part of, the International Meeting for Construction with Earth and Natural Materials will be held at ITESO University on June 13 and 14 of this year. This meeting is aimed toward students, builders, architects, and the community in general who […]

Asia Events

[EXHIBITION] In Praise of Soils (Shanghai, China)

“All things are born from earth, and ultimately belong to earth.” It is an everlasting principle, and the architecture also follows. Earth is called “⽣⼟” in Chinese, when it is used as a building material without being burned. In ancient China, the term “earth-wood work” was often used to refer to the concept of construction. […]


Heritage for people : Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future

The publication presents the results of the project ‘Versus-Heritage for People’, funded by the Creative Europe EU programme. The main aim of the project was to actively involve a broad audience and raise awareness among it concerning the value of vernacular knowledge in shaping more sustainable and resilient models of development. The material and immaterial […]

America Members

Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Presentation of the institution La Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ha trabajado desde la década de 1980 sobre temas de medio ambiente y el entorno ligado directamente al objeto arquitectónico. Preparando profesionales en el área y teniendo presente los avances tecnológicos tanto nacionales como internacionales. En este sentido […]

Contemporary architecture Europe Events Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction

[CALL] Terra Education IV : Changing Scale | Changer d’échelle | Cambiar de escalaAPPEL / Terra Education IV :

[EN] Since the middle of the last century, efforts have been made to better exploit the potential of earth as a building material. All over the world, interest in earthen architecture is growing, and research centres are multiplying, as are training efforts. However, the major projects carried out in the 1970s (e.g. “Village terre” in […]

Courses Europe Events

Postgraduate | basehabitat : Master of Advanced Studies – Architecture (deadline Dec 12, 2023)

The Postgraduate is aimed at professionals and graduates in architecture who wish to learn and enhance their skills and abilities by expanding their outreach to address social and environmental issues. Aware of the global challenges we face, ranging from environmental destruction and dwindling resources to poverty and growing inequality, the need to prepare future architects […]

Asia Members

Auroville Earth Institute

Presentation of the institution The Auroville Earth Institute (AVEI) is a non-profit organization specializing in the research, development, promotion and transfer of earth-based building technologies, among the most cost effective, low carbon, low embodied energy solutions for sustainable development. As the Representative and Resource Centre for Asia of the UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures […]

Earth compressed block Events Workshops

GDA Sidi Amor Summer School “Green Building & earthen construction” (Sidi Amor, Tunisia – 2nd-21st July 2023)

The Sidi Amor Summer School in its 2023 edition (Monday July 3 / Sunday July 21) takes up the theme of earth construction from 2 angles: Modern : the material in the form of a stabilized compressed earth block (BTCS). Traditional : Arches, vaults and domes. Program Module 1: Theoretical & practical bases (July 3 […]

Europe Events Workshops

VI edizione full immersion nulla terra (Pula ( Italy, 24-28 July 2023)

DICAAR – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – Università degli Studi di Cagliari with the UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development”, in collaboration with Luca Noli Association and Associazione Internazionale Città della Terra Cruda; supported by the Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti – Comitato Nazionale Italiano and […]