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Europe Seminars & conferences Techniques of construction

Conferencia “La caña como material de construcción: interpretación e innovación en la arquitectura contemporánea”

Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible os enviamos la información relativa a la primera conferencia del ciclo de este curso 2015-2016. La conferencia tendrá lugar el viernes 02 de octubre a las 13h en la Sala de Proyecciones de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universitat […]

Europe Inventory of earthen architecture Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

Project SOStierra

The research project SOStierra “Restoration and rehabilitation of the traditional earthen architecture in the iberic peninsula” is concentrating on the possibilities of sustainable restoration and rehabilitation remaining respectful of the traditional earthen architecture. For more information:

Europe For professionals Pedagogical material

PIRATE : Fournir les instructions et les ressources pour l’évaluation et la formation dans la construction en terre

Ce projet Européen, soutenu par le programme de financement Leonardo da Vinci (dédié à la formation professionnelle), rassemble 18 partenaires de 8 pays, dont l’objectif commun est d’introduire le matériau et les procédés de construction en terre dans la formation initiale et continue des professionnels du bâtiment. Pour la première phase du projet, des artisans […]

Adobe Cob Contemporary architecture Courses Earth compressed block Europe Events Methods and strategies Poured earth Rammed earth Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of construction Wattle and daub Workshops

Earth Building UK and Ireland conference and workshop week: CLAYFEST June 8th to 13th 2015

Earth Building UK EBUK have run successful conferences around the country for the past 8 years. This year we are raising our goals and running four days of workshops followed by a conference and tours of local earth buildings. The renaissance of earth building in the UK reflects not only the beauty and utility of […]

Europe Events Rammed earth Workshops

Festival Archi Matières

Le Pays Voironnais organise le festival Archi Matières du 8 au 14 juin 2015. L’Atelier Alba réalisera une installation en terre crue avec une performance musicale et dansée (Troupe Processus Vital) qui aura lieu lors du décoffrage de la pièce, le samedi 13 Juin de 16h à 17h. Dans le cadre de ce festival, il […]

Courses Europe For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Others Pedagogical material

Clay plaster – come and learn

Clay Plaster training material has been brought into Estonia, Finland and Sweden in the “Northern Clay Plaster Project, Professional Qualification for Working with Natural and Sustainable Building Materials”, shortly NCPP. For more information : Using earth or clay as building material has a century old tradition in these countries, but in the last 50 years, […]

Europe For non professionals General awareness Pedagogical material Rural

Réhabiliter le bâti ancien en Dombes

Cette plaquette, destinée au grand public, concerne la réhabilitation du bâti ancien en Dombes. Les auteurs expliquent comment améliorer le confort d’une maison ancienne, comment l’isoler, quels matériaux utiliser et qui contacter pour intervenir sur ce type de bâti. PACCOUD, Grégoire, GÉNIS, Léa, 2014. Réhabiliter le bâti ancien en Dombes: conservation des valeurs patrimoniales et […]

Europe Events For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Others Pedagogical material Science of earth material

Two new exhibitions on earth construction in Paris

Two new exhibitions on earth construction in Paris starting in December ! Grains de Bâtisseurs Building with earth, from material to architecture From December 13th 2014 to March 14th 2015 Considering sand castles in a different way     L’Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes hosts till March 2015 an exhibition on building with grains. The […]

Contemporary architecture Europe Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Rammed earth Research report Rural Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Vernacular heritage

International conference on vernacular heritage, sustainability and earthen architecture

Africa America Asia Europe General presentation Presentation of the members

Partners and members of the UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture

The UNESCO Chair “Earthen architectures, constructive cultures and sustainable development” was created in 1998 at the initiative of UNESCO. It is managed by the Research Unit-LABEX AE & CC and CRAterre-ENSAG laboratory, as a center of excellence, in the Grenoble’s school of architecture (ENSAG). It is a network of more than forty institutions (universities, research […]

Adobe Africa America Asia Australia Cob Contemporary architecture Earth compressed block Europe History of earthen architecture Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Participatory management Poured earth Rammed earth Risk management Rural Science of earth material Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub World heritage site

Chaire UNESCO – Terre

La Chaire UNESCO Architectures de terre, cultures constructives et développement durable, a été inaugurée en octobre 1998 à l’École d’Architecture de Grenoble, créée à l’initiative de la Division de l’Enseignement Supérieur de l’UNESCO. Elle est pilotée par l’Unité de recherche-Labex AE&CC et son laboratoire CRAterre-ENSAG comme centre d’excellence. Elle constitue un réseau international de plus […]