Autum Workshop: Earth Building Material, in France – Grenoble, 14 – 25 October 2024 Application for a scholarship for young Iranian professionals available until 1st September 2024 Earthen architecture is an important part of Iran’s architectural heritage. There are many earthen sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are also many contemporary earthen buildings. […]
Category: Events
DICAAR – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – Università degli Studi di Cagliari with the UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development”, in collaboration with Luca Noli Association and Associazione Internazionale Città della Terra Cruda; supported by the Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti – Comitato Nazionale Italiano and […]
[EN] Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture, which we are a part of, the International Meeting for Construction with Earth and Natural Materials will be held at ITESO University on June 13 and 14 of this year. This meeting is aimed toward students, builders, architects, and the community in general who […]
“All things are born from earth, and ultimately belong to earth.” It is an everlasting principle, and the architecture also follows. Earth is called “⽣⼟” in Chinese, when it is used as a building material without being burned. In ancient China, the term “earth-wood work” was often used to refer to the concept of construction. […]
[EN] Since the middle of the last century, efforts have been made to better exploit the potential of earth as a building material. All over the world, interest in earthen architecture is growing, and research centres are multiplying, as are training efforts. However, the major projects carried out in the 1970s (e.g. “Village terre” in […]
The Postgraduate is aimed at professionals and graduates in architecture who wish to learn and enhance their skills and abilities by expanding their outreach to address social and environmental issues. Aware of the global challenges we face, ranging from environmental destruction and dwindling resources to poverty and growing inequality, the need to prepare future architects […]
The Sidi Amor Summer School in its 2023 edition (Monday July 3 / Sunday July 21) takes up the theme of earth construction from 2 angles: Modern : the material in the form of a stabilized compressed earth block (BTCS). Traditional : Arches, vaults and domes. Program Module 1: Theoretical & practical bases (July 3 […]
DICAAR – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura – Università degli Studi di Cagliari with the UNITWIN UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development”, in collaboration with Luca Noli Association and Associazione Internazionale Città della Terra Cruda; supported by the Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti – Comitato Nazionale Italiano and […]
Grains d’Isère, c’est d’abord un immense tas de terre qui est transformé sur place en matériau de construction par des é, des, des chercheurs et des chercheuses, des architectes, des ingé, des artistes et des professionnel.les de divers horizons. Le festival offre à tous l’occasion de toucher, de manipuler et d’explorer la matière terre […]
Students, teachers, professionals: come and experiment with earth material from May 22 to 26, 2023 during the Workshop 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐓𝐄𝐑.𝐑𝐄𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫! This workshop, organized as part of the 21° Festival Grains d’Isère, will be an opportunity to explore the earth material and its use as a material in the building industry in order to find low-carbon constructive […]
July 16 – 30, 2023, Altmuenster, Austria We want to promote regenerative building materials in contemporary architecture. Join us and learn from world-leading experts how to build with earth and bamboo. Take the chance for networking in an international setting. The summer school offers intensive hands-on experience, combined with theory on material science and discussions […]
La Mairie d’Erevan s’est engagée dans une démarche de mise en place d’un tourisme durable basé sur la valorisation des héritages et patrimoines. Pour ce faire, elle a mené avec ses partenaires un certain nombre d’actions liminaires pour le développement touristique patrimonial de la Ville. En 2017, la Mairie d’Erevan avait sollicité l’appui technique et […]
Ces cycles de formation d’une durée de cinq (05) jours, sont destinés à l’initiation et/ou à l’approfondissement de la technique de sculpture murale sur argile spécifique à l’aire culturelle du Gourara, dont Timimoun est la capitale. Ils sont organisés par le Centre Algérien du Patrimoine Culturel Bâti en Terre, CAPTERRE, établissement public sous tutelle du […]
El taller “Proyectando y construyendo en Burkina Faso: una biblioteca per a l’escola de Baasneere” organizado desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de Tierra, Culturas Constructivas y Desarrollo Sostenible, del 4 al 8 de julio de 2022 en la ETSAV (Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia) en colaboración con la asociación Algemesí Solidari y su contraparte A3B. […]
Terra 2022 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage will take place in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA from June 7 – 10, 2022. This is the thirteenth international congress organized by the earthen architecture community under the aegis of ICOMOS since 1972, and the second to be held in New Mexico, thirty years after Adobe 90 in […]