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Events Others Seminars & conferences Workshops

14th Grains d’Isère Festival

CRAterre, amàco, Les Grands Ateliers and their partners are happy to invite you to the 14th Grains d’Isère Festival on earthen architecture. The Festival will take place from May 27 to May 30 at the Grands Ateliers in Villefontaine and proposes 4 days open to the public and free of entry for exploring the extraordinary […]

Courses Europe For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Others Pedagogical material

Clay plaster – come and learn

Clay Plaster training material has been brought into Estonia, Finland and Sweden in the “Northern Clay Plaster Project, Professional Qualification for Working with Natural and Sustainable Building Materials”, shortly NCPP. For more information : Using earth or clay as building material has a century old tradition in these countries, but in the last 50 years, […]

Events Publications Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation

Conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques: nouvelles pratiques et perspectives

Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications présentées lors du séminaire international La conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques : nouvelles pratiques et perspectives. Ce séminaire a été organisé par le laboratoire CRAterre-ENSAG de l’Unité de recherche AE&CC à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble du 26 au 28 mai 2014. Ce séminaire international […]

Events Rammed earth Seminars & conferences

Conferencia. Tapia: conceptos. Classification. Aptitudes ante su restauracion

Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible, os enviamos la información relativa a la próxima conferencia del ciclo de este curso. La próxima conferencia tendrá lugar el viernes 27 de febrero a las 12h en la Sala de Proyecciones de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universitat […]

Events Seminars & conferences

Call for communications: Terra 2016 – XIIth World Congress on Earthen Architectures / 11-14 July 2016

Terra 2016 is the twelfth in a series of international events organised since 1972, bringing together academics, professionals and experts, and a broad audience gathering around earthen architectures. The congress is organised under the aegis of the ISCEAH Committee of ICOMOS international, in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP). The […]

Europe Events For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Others Pedagogical material Science of earth material

Two new exhibitions on earth construction in Paris

Two new exhibitions on earth construction in Paris starting in December ! Grains de Bâtisseurs Building with earth, from material to architecture From December 13th 2014 to March 14th 2015 Considering sand castles in a different way     L’Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes hosts till March 2015 an exhibition on building with grains. The […]

America Others Publications Risk management

Reconstruire Haïti après le séisme de janvier 2010: réduction des risques, cultures constructives et développement local

The present work is a synthesis of the cooperation between many Haitian and international organizations who have decided to unite their forces and knowledge in order to deal in the best possible way with the problems caused by the reconstruction of the housing environment following the earthquake in January 2010. The proposed approach is the […]

America Events Participatory management Report of activities Wattle and daub

Revalorisation de maisons en torchis en Colombie

Les Zones rurales en Colombie ont comme caractéristique la construction de maisons en torchis, en particulier pour les plus démunis, parfois en situation de grande pauvreté. Largement dévalorisé dans l’imaginaire local, ce patrimoine est souvent mal entretenu, se dégrade, ce qui rend ce bâti plus vulnérables aux risques liés au changement climatique. Cette situation est […]

Events Others

CRAterre: newsletter n°6, novembre 2014

This newsletter aims at keeping you informed about training opportunities, the most interesting coming events, as well as on a selection of our projects. It allows you to directly reach the web pages where more information is available. Read the newsletter

Asia Courses Earth compressed block Workshops

2014 Training Courses at the Auroville Earth Institute

The Auroville Earth Institute, located in Southern India, offers training courses on Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) and Arches, Vaults, & Domes (AVD) throughout the year. Course content ranges from theory for design principles to hands-on building and block production. All courses are held in English and the schedule is very intensive. At the end […]

Adobe Cob Contemporary architecture Events For non professionals For professionals For universities Methods and strategies Others Rammed earth Science of earth material Techniques of construction Workshops

BASEhabitat International Summer School

The second BASEhabitat Summer School ON MODERN EARTHEN ARCHITECTURE AND BAMBOO CONSTRUCTIONS will take place in Austria from 14.-28.07.2014 Topics: Learn in theory classes about material science, seismology, history and future of earchten and bamboo architecture Try out in practical workshops how to build with earth and bamboo Discuss about the challanges of sustainable architecture […]

Contemporary architecture Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Participatory management Publications Research report Risk management Rural Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Urban Vernacular heritage World heritage site

World Heritage Series n°36 Earthen Architecture in Today’s World

As announced in UNESCO Web site, “This publication gives an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage earthen architecture sites as well as outlining the various activities undertaken during the first period of the WHEAP Programme. It reflects on the challenges facing earthen architecture sites in relation to issues such as sustainable development […]

Adobe Asia Cob Earth compressed block Events For non professionals For universities Others Rammed earth Report of activities

Visit of Satprem Maïni to the UNESCO Chair school of earthen architecture in Korea, December 2013

Satprem Maïni, director of the Auroville Earth Institute (AVEI) was invited from the 19th to 24th Dec. 2013 by Mr Kim Soonwung and Dr. Heyzoo Hwang, from TerraKorea, to attend the inauguration ceremony of the “School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea” and to give a presentation during the International Symposium on Earth Architecture, […]

Asia Contemporary architecture Events For non professionals For universities Others Report of activities

School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea

Suite à la signature d’une convention entre la collectivité locale « Wanju-Gun » et TerraKorea, la « School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea » a inaugurée en mai 2013 et la cérémonie officielle a été organisée en décembre 2013. Nom officiel de l’école : School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea Nom du directeur : Soonwung KIM […]

Contemporary architecture Europe Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Rammed earth Research report Rural Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Vernacular heritage

International conference on vernacular heritage, sustainability and earthen architecture