Presentation of the institution BASEhabitat is a studio at the University of Arts Linz, department of architecture. Founded in 2004, it is concerned with sustainable architecture and the built environment, following ecologically compatible and socially just principles. A particular focus is on local, natural and affordable building materials, the participation of users and of those […]
Category: Members
Presentation of the institution The Laboratorio de Arquitecturas Andinas y Construcción con Tierra [Andean Architectures and Earthen Building Laboratory] is an academic space for research, training and technological engagement that forms part of the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Naturaleza y la Sociedad “Rodolfo Kusch”, of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, Argentina. From the conformation […]
Presentation of the institution En Uruguay, la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU) se incorporó como miembro de la Catedra UNESCO en 1998. Las acciones principales se dieron con actividades de investigación y de extensión universitaria en la ciudad de Salto. En 2021 se conforma en Montevideo el equipo de Tecnología de Tierra dependiente […]
Presentation of the institution La Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California ha trabajado desde la década de 1980 sobre temas de medio ambiente y el entorno ligado directamente al objeto arquitectónico. Preparando profesionales en el área y teniendo presente los avances tecnológicos tanto nacionales como internacionales. En este sentido […]
Presentation of the institution The Auroville Earth Institute (AVEI) is a non-profit organization specializing in the research, development, promotion and transfer of earth-based building technologies, among the most cost effective, low carbon, low embodied energy solutions for sustainable development. As the Representative and Resource Centre for Asia of the UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures […]
Presentation of the institution El ITESO está comprometido en la enseñanza en la arquitectura de tierra y las cuestiones de sustentabilidad en: Se cuenta con dos especialistas en construcción con tierra formados en el DSA ENSAG/AE&CC. Se imparten cursos en licenciatura y posgrado de construcción y estructuras con tierra. En nivel de maestría se han […]
Presentation of the institution EBUKI was established in 2009 to bring together all the earth building interests, commercial, design, academic, training and research. We recognized that there was interest in earth as a material to design, repair and build with, as a tool for de-carbonising construction, as a way to shift relationships within both the […]
Presentation of the institution En Brasil, la Universidad Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) inicia su curso de Arquitectura y Urbanismo en 1994. En 1996, con la participación de cuatro arquitectos-profesores de la casa y profesores invitados de CRATerre (Francia), se inicia la formación en Culturas Constructivas con Tierra en el curso de graduación en Arquitectura. Con […]
Presentation of the institution Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) began in the early 1907’s liberation Beiping Li Industrial Vocational High School for Beijing Architectural College (when he was vice mayor of Beijing, a famous historian Wu Han as president), approved by the State Council in 1977 as a university, renamed Beijing construction […]