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Asia Courses History of earthen architecture Site projects Techniques of conservation

Conservation et mise en valeur de sites archéologiques : Erébouni et Karmir Blour

La Mairie d’Erevan s’est engagée dans une démarche de mise en place d’un tourisme durable basé sur la valorisation des héritages et patrimoines. Pour ce faire, elle a mené avec ses partenaires un certain nombre d’actions liminaires pour le développement touristique patrimonial de la Ville. En 2017, la Mairie d’Erevan avait sollicité l’appui technique et […]

Publications Site projects

Series of BASEhabitat projects booklets is now in open access

This series of booklets presents the projects designed and built by BASEhabitat since its creation in 2004. Its objective is to share the experience acquired around the use of local materials. For the past year, BASEhabitat has distributed 7 project booklets in open access on the issuu platform. Consult the booklets online:     […]

Europe Pedagogical material Publications Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

VerSus: Lessons from Vernacular Heritage in Sustainable Architecture

[EN] The main objectives of the VerSus project are to identify fundamental principles from vernacular heritage, and to explore ways to integrate those principles into the design of a more eco-responsible architecture. The project also encourages an EU-wide intercultural dialogue, through the launch of a network of experts and institutions working in the fields of […]

Europe Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Site projects

[Resource] Youtube channel “UNESCO Chair – Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible”

Created in 2015, the Youtube channel “Cátedra UNESCO – Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible” contains the cycles of conferences and activities carried out by the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain under the direction of Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas López-Manzanares.   Playlists available Ciclo de Conferencias 2013-2014: Ciclo de Conferencias […]

Africa America Asia Australia Detailled presentation Europe Events General awareness General presentation Presentation of the members Report of activities Site projects

BASEhabitat’s Activities, Austria

You want to know more about the work of BASEhabitat? Read through our Annual Report 2014/15. It shows our activities in the fields of education, projects and network. University of Art and Design Linz Hauptplatz 6 4010 Linz, Austria

Adobe Africa Courses Events For professionals For universities History of earthen architecture Others Rammed earth Seminars & conferences Site projects Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Workshops


L’Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Marrakech met en place l’été 2016, en collaboration avec la Wilaya Marrakech-Safi, le Conseil Régional Marrakech-Safi, le Conseil Communal Marrakech Medina, le Conseil Communal Mechouar Kasbah, la Direction Régionale de la Culture Marrakech-Safi, l’Union REMPART, l’Association Al Muniya Marrakech, et sous l’égide de la Chaire UNESCO ATCCDD, des chantiers de bénévoles annuels, […]

Contemporary architecture Site projects

Omicron courtyards

Fair trade meets regionalism. The project, 3 sculptures that serve as meeting rooms for the workers, is a commitment to support craftsmanship locally as well as in Bangladesh and in India. The aim is to create an atmospheric space of high quality for the employees of Omicron, and at the same time to make a […]

Europe Inventory of earthen architecture Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

Project SOStierra

The research project SOStierra “Restoration and rehabilitation of the traditional earthen architecture in the iberic peninsula” is concentrating on the possibilities of sustainable restoration and rehabilitation remaining respectful of the traditional earthen architecture. For more information:

Africa For non professionals Pedagogical material Publications Site projects

Karibu Kilwa: Kilwa district heritage resources

Parution du catalogue du patrimoine de Kilwa en Tanzanie. Ce document fait l’inventaire des sites touristiques autour de Kilwa: village de pêcheurs, salines, îles, patrimoine architectural, sites naturels, curiosités géologiques, faune, etc. Pour télécharger le document, cliquez ici. Publication of the catalogue on the cultural heritage of Kilwa in Tanzania. This document is an inventory […]

Adobe Cob Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Publications Rammed earth Report of activities Research report Site projects Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub World heritage site

Inventaire du Patrimoine Mondial en terre

L’inventaire des biens de la Liste du patrimoine mondial bâtis en terre préparé par CRAterre-ENSAG dans le cadre du programme WHEAP (World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme, dirigé par le Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO) a été présenté officiellement lors de la grande conférence internationale Terra 2012, organisée à Lima au Pérou, à laquelle plus […]