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Africa Publications Vernacular heritage

[ONLINE BOOK] Burkina Faso. Architecture, Culture and Cooperation

This book aims to pay homage to the people, culture and traditional architecture of Burkina Faso, a country with an extraordinary wealth of construction cultures. Through cross-referencing and analysis this book provides an overview of the architectures of the Birifor, Bobo, Dogon, Gan, Kassena, Ko, Lela, Lobi, Mossi, Nuna, Peul, Puguli, Senufo and Tuareg, offering […]


Heritage for people : Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future

The publication presents the results of the project ‘Versus-Heritage for People’, funded by the Creative Europe EU programme. The main aim of the project was to actively involve a broad audience and raise awareness among it concerning the value of vernacular knowledge in shaping more sustainable and resilient models of development. The material and immaterial […]

Europe For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Pedagogical material Publications Vernacular heritage

Versus Plus, heritage for people : educational tools to transmit heritage values

CRATERRE, UPA, UNICA, UNIFI, UPT, RAKOTOMAMONJY, Bakonirina, MORISET, Sébastien, SANCHEZ MUNOZ, Nuria, 2022. VERSUS Plus, Heritage for people, Educational tools to transmit heritage values. Villefontaine : CRAterre. 68 p. ISBN 979-10-96446-44-5.   Abstract The VERSUS + project (2019-2023) is a continuation of the VERSUS project (2013- 2015) which described the lessons to be drawn from […]

Africa America Asia Europe Publications


The proceedings of the international seminar TERRA Education III, organized in 2018 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the creation of the UNESCO Chair “Earth Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development” and in the framework of the WHEAP Program, are now available online. It was held on the campus of the University of […]

Publications Site projects

Series of BASEhabitat projects booklets is now in open access

This series of booklets presents the projects designed and built by BASEhabitat since its creation in 2004. Its objective is to share the experience acquired around the use of local materials. For the past year, BASEhabitat has distributed 7 project booklets in open access on the issuu platform. Consult the booklets online:     […]

Europe Pedagogical material Publications Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

VerSus: Lessons from Vernacular Heritage in Sustainable Architecture

[EN] The main objectives of the VerSus project are to identify fundamental principles from vernacular heritage, and to explore ways to integrate those principles into the design of a more eco-responsible architecture. The project also encourages an EU-wide intercultural dialogue, through the launch of a network of experts and institutions working in the fields of […]

Europe Publications

I manuali del recupero dei centri storici della sardegna

I Manuali del Recupero nascono nel quadro delle iniziative della Regione Sardegna e del suo Assessorato all’Urbanistica dirette a fornire strumenti sempre più approfonditi nella fase attuativa della pianificazione paesaggistica regionale. I Manuali sono progettati per supportare gli Enti Locali nel passaggio ad una gestione “di qualità” degli interventi sul patrimonio edilizio storico, in termini […]

Europe Pedagogical material Publications Rammed earth Techniques of conservation

Heritage module of the DSA-Earthen architecture, Grenoble (France)

The DSA «Earthen Architecture» is ongoing in Grenoble. The training is combining theoretical courses in the ENSAG premises and practical activities in the field. Despite the pandemic, most of the courses were held in class rather than online, allowing students to benefit from the knowledges from their fellow students as well as from the teachers. […]

History of earthen architecture Publications Vernacular heritage

Construcción con Tierra. Permanencia del pasado y tecnología actual

“Construcción con Tierra. Permanencia del pasado y tecnología actual ” – XV Congreso de Arquitectura de Tierra en Cúcuta, Colombia. 2018 Coordinadores: Félix Jové Sandoval. José Luis Sáinz Guerra. Javier Alfonso Cárdenas Gutiérrez. ISBN: 978-84-09-25126-1Noviembre de 2020Publicación online. Ver publicacion completa.   Resumen El legado que recibimos del pasado, que vivimos en el presente u […]

Publications Vernacular heritage World heritage site

Project 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage

The project 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage was just concluded, and can be visited at: The project was coordinated by Escola Superior Gallaecia (esGALLAECIA), as project leader, University of Florence (UNIFI) and University Politecnica de València (UPV), as partners. It was developed in the framework of CREATIVE EUROPE Programme, with […]


Bitumen-stabilized earthen architecture

A new article by a member of the Chair is available on ScienceDirect. DANEELS, Annick, ROMO DE VIVAR, Alfonso, CHÁVEZ, Laura, REYES, Marisol, TAPIA, Everardo, LEÓN, Mayra, CIENFUEGOS, Edith et OTERO, Francisco Javier, 2020. Bitumen-stabilized earthen architecture: The case of the archaeological site of La Joya, on the Mexican Gulf Coast. Journal of Archaeological Science: […]

Africa America Asia Australia Europe For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness Others Pedagogical material Publications

ECVET Earth Building

ECVET Earth building is a matrix of units of learning outcomes that are conceived for construction, renovation and decoration with unfired clay materials. For much more information please see Each unit relates to a set of tasks that together form an activity specific to earth construction sites. Each activity, thus each Unit, may be […]

Asia Publications

Auroville Earth Institute – July 2017 Newsletter

Warm greetings from the Auroville Earth Institute! Please see this link for our July newsletter:  

Others Publications

Auroville Earth Institute – January 2017 Newsletter

  The Auroville Earth Institute in South India is pleased to share its November newsletter with the earth building community. You can view it as a PDF file here. Please feel free to download it, print it and share it.


Auroville Earth Institute – November 2016 Newsletter

  The Auroville Earth Institute in South India is pleased to share its November newsletter with the earth building community. You can view it as a PDF file here. Please feel free to download it, print it and share it.