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Report of activities

UNESCO Chair : report of activities 2020-2024

The UNESCO Chair in Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures and Sustainable Development, created in 1998, is held by the CRAterre team of the Architecture, Environments and Building Cultures research unit at the Grenoble School of Architecture, France. CRAterre is working to gain recognition for the earth material and, more broadly, to make the most of all […]

Africa America Asia Australia Detailled presentation Europe Events General awareness General presentation Presentation of the members Report of activities Site projects

BASEhabitat’s Activities, Austria

You want to know more about the work of BASEhabitat? Read through our Annual Report 2014/15. It shows our activities in the fields of education, projects and network. University of Art and Design Linz Hauptplatz 6 4010 Linz, Austria

Publications Report of activities

UNESCO Chair and the UNITWIN network: report of activities 2014

The UNESCO Chair annual report of activities 2014 « Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development » is a collective report that has been elaborated with contributions of several institutions, members of the UNITWIN network. This report gives a global vision of the activities of the Chair and its network and shows an overall increase of the […]

America Events Participatory management Report of activities Wattle and daub

Revalorisation de maisons en torchis en Colombie

Les Zones rurales en Colombie ont comme caractéristique la construction de maisons en torchis, en particulier pour les plus démunis, parfois en situation de grande pauvreté. Largement dévalorisé dans l’imaginaire local, ce patrimoine est souvent mal entretenu, se dégrade, ce qui rend ce bâti plus vulnérables aux risques liés au changement climatique. Cette situation est […]

Adobe Asia Cob Earth compressed block Events For non professionals For universities Others Rammed earth Report of activities

Visit of Satprem Maïni to the UNESCO Chair school of earthen architecture in Korea, December 2013

Satprem Maïni, director of the Auroville Earth Institute (AVEI) was invited from the 19th to 24th Dec. 2013 by Mr Kim Soonwung and Dr. Heyzoo Hwang, from TerraKorea, to attend the inauguration ceremony of the “School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea” and to give a presentation during the International Symposium on Earth Architecture, […]

Asia Contemporary architecture Events For non professionals For universities Others Report of activities

School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea

Suite à la signature d’une convention entre la collectivité locale « Wanju-Gun » et TerraKorea, la « School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea » a inaugurée en mai 2013 et la cérémonie officielle a été organisée en décembre 2013. Nom officiel de l’école : School of UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture in Korea Nom du directeur : Soonwung KIM […]

Adobe Cob Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Publications Rammed earth Report of activities Research report Site projects Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub World heritage site

Inventaire du Patrimoine Mondial en terre

L’inventaire des biens de la Liste du patrimoine mondial bâtis en terre préparé par CRAterre-ENSAG dans le cadre du programme WHEAP (World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme, dirigé par le Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO) a été présenté officiellement lors de la grande conférence internationale Terra 2012, organisée à Lima au Pérou, à laquelle plus […]