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Second International Troglodytic Architecture Conference

RICHT is planning to organize the Second International Troglodytic Architecture Conference in 7-8 October 2015 in Tehran. Building on the first national Conference held in 2012 in Kerman, this one tries to cover the widest possible studies and researches all around the world. Poster of the conference For more informations:

Europe For non professionals General awareness Pedagogical material Rural

Réhabiliter le bâti ancien en Dombes

Cette plaquette, destinée au grand public, concerne la réhabilitation du bâti ancien en Dombes. Les auteurs expliquent comment améliorer le confort d’une maison ancienne, comment l’isoler, quels matériaux utiliser et qui contacter pour intervenir sur ce type de bâti. PACCOUD, Grégoire, GÉNIS, Léa, 2014. Réhabiliter le bâti ancien en Dombes: conservation des valeurs patrimoniales et […]

Contemporary architecture Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Participatory management Publications Research report Risk management Rural Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Urban Vernacular heritage World heritage site

World Heritage Series n°36 Earthen Architecture in Today’s World

As announced in UNESCO Web site, “This publication gives an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage earthen architecture sites as well as outlining the various activities undertaken during the first period of the WHEAP Programme. It reflects on the challenges facing earthen architecture sites in relation to issues such as sustainable development […]

Contemporary architecture Europe Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Rammed earth Research report Rural Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Vernacular heritage

International conference on vernacular heritage, sustainability and earthen architecture

Adobe Cob Contemporary architecture Courses Earth compressed block Events For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness History of earthen architecture Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Others Participatory management Pedagogical material Poured earth Rammed earth Risk management Rural Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub Workshops World heritage site

Ouverture des inscriptions au DSA “Architecture de terre” du Laboratoire CRAterre de l’ENSAG

Le DSA “Architecture de terre” est une formation post-master valorisée par un diplôme national de spécialisation et d’approfondissement, délivré par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication de France. La formation s’inscrit dans les activités de la Chaire UNESCO “Architecture de terre”, visant la mise en place de programmes d’enseignement avec des organismes […]

Adobe Africa America Asia Australia Cob Contemporary architecture Earth compressed block Europe History of earthen architecture Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Participatory management Poured earth Rammed earth Risk management Rural Science of earth material Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub World heritage site

Chaire UNESCO – Terre

La Chaire UNESCO Architectures de terre, cultures constructives et développement durable, a été inaugurée en octobre 1998 à l’École d’Architecture de Grenoble, créée à l’initiative de la Division de l’Enseignement Supérieur de l’UNESCO. Elle est pilotée par l’Unité de recherche-Labex AE&CC et son laboratoire CRAterre-ENSAG comme centre d’excellence. Elle constitue un réseau international de plus […]