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Contemporary architecture Europe Events Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction

[CALL] Terra Education IV : Changing Scale | Changer d’échelle | Cambiar de escalaAPPEL / Terra Education IV :

[EN] Since the middle of the last century, efforts have been made to better exploit the potential of earth as a building material. All over the world, interest in earthen architecture is growing, and research centres are multiplying, as are training efforts. However, the major projects carried out in the 1970s (e.g. “Village terre” in […]

Europe Events Techniques of conservation

21° Festival Grains d’Isère : journée portes ouvertes (Villefontaine, 24 mai 2023)

Grains d’Isère, c’est d’abord un immense tas de terre qui est transformé sur place en matériau de construction par des é, des, des chercheurs et des chercheuses, des architectes, des ingé, des artistes et des professionnel.les de divers horizons. Le festival offre à tous l’occasion de toucher, de manipuler et d’explorer la matière terre […]

Asia Courses History of earthen architecture Site projects Techniques of conservation

Conservation et mise en valeur de sites archéologiques : Erébouni et Karmir Blour

La Mairie d’Erevan s’est engagée dans une démarche de mise en place d’un tourisme durable basé sur la valorisation des héritages et patrimoines. Pour ce faire, elle a mené avec ses partenaires un certain nombre d’actions liminaires pour le développement touristique patrimonial de la Ville. En 2017, la Mairie d’Erevan avait sollicité l’appui technique et […]

Europe Pedagogical material Publications Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

VerSus: Lessons from Vernacular Heritage in Sustainable Architecture

[EN] The main objectives of the VerSus project are to identify fundamental principles from vernacular heritage, and to explore ways to integrate those principles into the design of a more eco-responsible architecture. The project also encourages an EU-wide intercultural dialogue, through the launch of a network of experts and institutions working in the fields of […]

Courses Europe Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction

[Call for applications] DSA “Earthen architecture, building cultures and sustainable development” | CRAterre

APPLY NOW FOR THE 2022-2024 SESSION Call: from December 2021 until the end of February 2022.Find all the info at:     Objectives The post-master mention « architecture and heritage » specialty « earthen architecture » aims to meet international social demand in areas related to the professions of earth architecture and more particularly in the following areas: the […]

Europe Pedagogical material Publications Rammed earth Techniques of conservation

Heritage module of the DSA-Earthen architecture, Grenoble (France)

The DSA «Earthen Architecture» is ongoing in Grenoble. The training is combining theoretical courses in the ENSAG premises and practical activities in the field. Despite the pandemic, most of the courses were held in class rather than online, allowing students to benefit from the knowledges from their fellow students as well as from the teachers. […]

Adobe Africa Courses Events For professionals For universities History of earthen architecture Others Rammed earth Seminars & conferences Site projects Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Workshops


L’Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Marrakech met en place l’été 2016, en collaboration avec la Wilaya Marrakech-Safi, le Conseil Régional Marrakech-Safi, le Conseil Communal Marrakech Medina, le Conseil Communal Mechouar Kasbah, la Direction Régionale de la Culture Marrakech-Safi, l’Union REMPART, l’Association Al Muniya Marrakech, et sous l’égide de la Chaire UNESCO ATCCDD, des chantiers de bénévoles annuels, […]

Events For universities Pedagogical material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction

UNESCO Chair Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible : videos

The UNESCO Chair Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible displayed 3 new videos on Youtube: – “La conservación de las fortificaciones de tapia en Shark Al-Andalus” impartida por Alba Soler Estrela el 11 de abril de 2014 – “Ciudades de tierra. El oasis de Mdagra en el sur de Marruecos” impartida por Teresa […]

Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation

Conferencia: “La basílica de La Natividad en Belén. Diagnosis lígnea y tratamiento”

Desde la Cátedra UNESCO de Arquitectura de tierra, culturas constructivas y desarrollo sostenible os enviamos la información relativa a la próxima conferencia del ciclo de este curso 2015-2016 La conferencia tendrá lugar el viernes 04 de diciembre a las 13h en la Sala de Proyecciones de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universitat […]

Europe Inventory of earthen architecture Site projects Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage

Project SOStierra

The research project SOStierra “Restoration and rehabilitation of the traditional earthen architecture in the iberic peninsula” is concentrating on the possibilities of sustainable restoration and rehabilitation remaining respectful of the traditional earthen architecture. For more information:

Africa Publications Techniques of conservation Vernacular heritage World heritage site

The conservation of the World Heritage properties : a major challenge for Mali

The Malian cultural heritage has been suffering unprecedentedly during the crisis. For UNESCO, the government of Mali and its partners, the essential role that the cultural heritage is playing in the peace process and the social cohesion is evident. The rehabilitation of the damaged cultural heritage is not only about the material reconstruction, but also […]

Events Publications Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation

Conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques: nouvelles pratiques et perspectives

Cet ouvrage rassemble les communications présentées lors du séminaire international La conservation des architectures de terre sur les sites archéologiques : nouvelles pratiques et perspectives. Ce séminaire a été organisé par le laboratoire CRAterre-ENSAG de l’Unité de recherche AE&CC à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble du 26 au 28 mai 2014. Ce séminaire international […]

Contemporary architecture Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Participatory management Publications Research report Risk management Rural Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Urban Vernacular heritage World heritage site

World Heritage Series n°36 Earthen Architecture in Today’s World

As announced in UNESCO Web site, “This publication gives an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage earthen architecture sites as well as outlining the various activities undertaken during the first period of the WHEAP Programme. It reflects on the challenges facing earthen architecture sites in relation to issues such as sustainable development […]

Contemporary architecture Europe Events History of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Rammed earth Research report Rural Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Vernacular heritage

International conference on vernacular heritage, sustainability and earthen architecture

Adobe Cob Contemporary architecture Courses Earth compressed block Events For non professionals For professionals For universities General awareness History of earthen architecture Inventory of earthen architecture Methods and strategies Others Participatory management Pedagogical material Poured earth Rammed earth Risk management Rural Science of earth material Seminars & conferences Techniques of conservation Techniques of construction Urban Vernacular heritage Wattle and daub Workshops World heritage site

Ouverture des inscriptions au DSA “Architecture de terre” du Laboratoire CRAterre de l’ENSAG

Le DSA “Architecture de terre” est une formation post-master valorisée par un diplôme national de spécialisation et d’approfondissement, délivré par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication de France. La formation s’inscrit dans les activités de la Chaire UNESCO “Architecture de terre”, visant la mise en place de programmes d’enseignement avec des organismes […]